License Abuse

License Abuse and Theft

License abuse is the illegal and unauthorized reproduction, distribution and/or use of software and software licenses. It is illegal because it breaks the license agreement and infringes on the originator’s copyright and intellectual property.

Developers who have to work with unauthorized software can find themselves unable to get updates, fixes and support. If a product has been modified to work without a license, users of that software can’t be sure that it hasn’t been tampered with in other ways. If software isn’t authorized, don’t depend on it.

Aspose regularly checks for license files that have been made public and may blacklist these licenses without warning. We will only reinstate licenses once the public versions have been removed. We encourage all customers to be mindful of the potential of license leakage through the distribution of derived works with Aspose products contained within them or using public source control repositories.

Our end user license agreement is available online so it is easy to check if a product is being used legally. Head to the legal section to find out about our privacy policy, and read this website’s terms of use.

To report license abuse, fill out the form below. We’ve made all fields optional so that you can remain anonymous. To prove a case of abuse, we need all the information you can supply us with. We’d appreciate if you leave contact details so that we can contact you if we need to ask more questions before acting on your report.

Report License Abuse
